02806 Course Wiki

Lecture 1
Page last edited by Andrea Cuttone (ancu) 04/02-2014


  • Building 324, Room 060.

Learning objectives.

  • Get Python installed on your system.
  • Feel comfortable writing small scripts in python. 


Exercise 1.  First we have to get your system in shape for analyzing text.

  • Get Python up and running on your system. We recommend that you install python via the Anaconda distribution
  • Important (if you don't use Anaconda): We use Python 2.7, so don't install python 3.1 - it will only cause you pain and suffering. Also - on Windows make sure you install 32 bit Python, even if you're on a 64 bit system (since NumPy only works with 32 bit). 
  • Important (if you don't use Anaconda): Make sure you have the numpy, scipy, matplotlib & other prerequisites for IPython Notebook up and running.

Exercise 2. You already know how to program (it's a course requirement), but how's your Python doing? It's crucial that you're feeling comfortable with IPython since we'll be using it heavily throughout the course. Start up an IPython Notebook and use it to solve the following exercises - make sure you have plenty of explanatory text. [Details on how to run an IPython Notebook can be found at the bottom of this page]

  • Create a list a that contains the numbers from 1 to 100, incremented by one, using the range function.
  • Show that you understand slicing in Python by extracting a list b with the numbers from 42 to 79 from the list created above.
  • Using def, define a function that takes as input a number x and outputs the number multiplied by itself plus two f(x) = x(x+2). Apply this function to every element of the list b using a for loop.
  • Write the output of your function to a text file with one number per line.
  • Show that you know about strings typing and understanding everything in the example in (include this code in the Notebook). 

Exercise 3. Plotting with Python. Work through this matplotlib tutorial, but substitute the actual plotted values with your own data.

Advanced Exercise. If all of the above is easy for you, work though this advanced matplolib tutorial (pretty version here). Note: You may hand in an IPython Notebook with your own version of section and instead of Exercise 2 and 3.

IMPORTANT: Experience shows that some of you will find Python difficult. If that's the case, please learn how to code in Python. We recommend two options.

A) Either complete all of CodeAcademy's excellent classes (1-21). Recommended option if you feel like a total beginner.

B) Work throuth Exercise 1-40 of This option is better if you know a bit about programming but not about Python.

Running IPython Notebooks: Everything necessary to run IPython Notebooks is included in the Anaconda distribution - simply type "ipython notebook" at the terminal/command prompt, and you'll get instructions on how open the notebook in your browser. You may want to actually type "ipython notebook --pylab inline" read more here [ link1, link2].


Q: I get "ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8" when running ipython notebook
A: Open a terminal and execute the following:

echo export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 >> ~/.profile
echo export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

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