02806 Course Wiki

Project Assignment A
Page last edited by Sune Lehmann Jørgensen (sljo) 01/04-2014

Project Assignment A

The first part of the final project is a 5 minute movie. 


The movie will be evaluated on how well it explains the central idea behind your final project (what is it?, why is it interesting?), as well as an outline on the elements you’ll need to get to your goal - and the implementation plan. But other than that, there are no constraints. And we do appreciate funny/inventive/beautiful movies, although the academic content is most important. Note that we'll display the movie to the entire class.


(The maximum length is 5 minutes, it may be shorter.)


Project Assignment A*

If you don't like movies, you may also do an old fashioned presentation (in the Ignite Format).


The talk should explain the central idea behind your final project (what is it?, why is it interesting?), as well as an outline on the elements you’ll need to get to your goal - and the implementation plan.

  • The talk will be 20 slides.
  • We will auto-forward each slide after 15 seconds.
  • Slides must be in pdf format. We will not accept slides in PowerPoint or Keynote formats.

It is possible to include a lot of material into 5 minutes of presentation, so you’ll need to put some effort into developing your idea. We highly recommend practicing the talk before you show up so you’re used to the autoforwarding, etc.

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